Pistorius proposes a financial settlement to the parents of his girlfriend, which shot


Pistorius proposes a financial settlement to the parents of his girlfriend, which shot

The Paralympic champion Oscar Pistorius attempts to reach a financial settlement with the parents of his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, which killed Feb. 14. To reach it, would avoid a civil, as published by The Times of South Africa.

Although Pistorius attorney declined to comment, the representative of the family of the victim, Petrus de Bruyn, has confirmed that they are carrying out these negotiations.

According to the publication, the athlete's lawyers want the case to be resolved before the criminal case is opened, which is scheduled for March 2014.

If signed the financial agreement will not have any effect on criminal procedure and trial as both are quite distinct in the South African judicial system.

Reeva Steenkamp, who yesterday would cunmplido 30 years, was a well-known model in South Africa and had a good salary. With his brother, he helped his parents financially, both retired.

According to the local press, the progenitors of Reeva reands ordered three million, 200,000 euros in damages.

After shooting and killing his girlfriend, 26 year old athlete said he had heard a noise and thought he was a thief who was coming in through the bathroom window. Reeva was the one in the bathroom.

However, preliminary hearings, the prosecution tried to prove the opposite: that the Paralympic champion killed his girlfriend after an argument.

What are your thoughts?

Do you think he is guilty? Do you think her family should get an economic agreement with him? Do you think he should be allow to run again? Or go to prison for ever?...

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