Instragram forbidden to use the words "urges" and "gram"


Instragram forbidden to use the words “insta” and "gram"

The application / photo sharing social network Instagram has decided that third party applications stop using part of your brand name, ie prohibits other applications use the terms “insta” and "gram". The company has given a deadline of 48 hours to change the name of those applications that include these two words.

The application created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger has decided to change its previous condition and restrict use of the brand name for themselves, leaving apps like Webstagram Luxogram or two dñias change the name of their applications, reports "Techcrunch". Furthermore, among these changes in terms of the conditions of use stands ban Instagram logo.

So far, the photo-sharing social network already had a number of limitations such as the possibility of other applications to use Instagram photos. On the other hand, criticism Instagram before such movement not long in coming. Jeff Broderick, head of the company Luxogram, expressed his opinion through his Twitter account.

"Looks like he wants to kill Luxogram" referring to the new guidelines change Instagram and prohibiting use of the mark "gram". Moreover, by another "tweet" all his followers showed the mail you received from Instagram with the notice. Therefore, as Statigram platforms, Luxogram, Webstagram, Gramfeed, Instadrop, Instagallery should find a new name for their brands and change the terms “insta” and "gram" in the next 48 hours.

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